Pupil Advocates
All Pupil Advocates wear a Blazer with the School badge WHEN THEY ARE ON DUTY or ATTENDING MEETINGS.
Pupil Advocates are part of the Leadership of the School and on some occasions join the School’s Leadership Team for their meetings; join occasional Governors’ Meetings; attend School Council meetings; meet with the Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher, and are part of the interview process for new teachers.Pupil Advocates promote the School‘s values to all in the School community and visitors. They are pupils that help around the school.
They are The Minster Junior School tour guides (2 to be available each day) where they:
- Show visitors around the School
- Greet them at the reception area
- Respond articulately to any questions they have
- Report back to an adult member of staff when the tour is finished to feed back any questions they have been able to answer and any additional information
They are Lunch Hall and Tuck Shop advocates (4 in a team, 2 teams per day on a daily rota) where they:
- Report for duty in the dinner hall on a rota basis from 12.45 or 1.15
- Encourage all children to eat healthily
- Demonstrate excellent table manners
- Encourage everyone to be tidy and to leave the lunch area clean after they eat
- Work as a team to ensure advocates are at the entrance and exit doors, at the salad bar, walking between the tables and at the recycle areas
- Report any unacceptable behaviour by children to an adult member of staff
They assist in the School office (2 per day) where they:
- Report to School office at 12:40 each day to receive office jobs, which may vary from day to day, including answering the telephone, taking messages and ensuring that any messages are passed to the Office staff
They support the Play leader as play monitor advocates (2 per day) where they:
- Are prompt to arrive at playground on their duty days
- Ensure that children are back to the line before lessons
- Find friends for children who are lonely
- Initiate games for children to play
They are Wet Play advocates (one per year group) where they:
- Monitor the School and classrooms during wet play. Their job and responsibilities are the same as a play leader
They are Health & Safety Advocates and support the Eco Task Force (2 teams of 2 from the Eco Task Force at each re-cycling bin) where they:
- Water any plants in school
- Report any Health & Safety risk they may see and report to School staff immediately
- Support the Eco Task Force to make sure water and electricity is not wasted. Take part in ‘The Big Tidy Up’
They attend School Council meetings (2 per meeting every other Monday) where:
- The 28 Members of the School Council will be responsible for carrying out ideas that have been agreed, such as planning any events in School, writing articles for the School website, meeting with staff responsible for curriculum areas or meeting with catering staff and making sure that they meet with the member of staff responsible for the website so that it is kept up-to-date
They take part in lesson observations (2 per lesson) where:
- They watch lessons with a member of the SMT so that they can give their opinions on whether the pupils are learning and enjoying the lesson.